As a constructive partner in the communities in which it operates, Indus Motor has been taking concrete action to realize its social responsibility objectives, thereby building value for its shareholders and customers.

Concern Beyond Cars
Indus Motor Company aims to demonstrate responsible corporate conduct throughout the entire spectrum of its activities and operations. Under our slogan of “Concern Beyond Cars”, we strive to make meaningful contributions to improve the health and living standards of all our fellow citizens, above and beyond providing them with high quality and safe products.

As a policy, Indus Motor Company allocates 1% of Profit Before Tax of preceding year for social contributions. During the last five years, we have contributed above Rs.400million towards Health, Education, Environment, Community Welfare and Road Safety projects.

Accordingly, we practice socially responsible management in order to grow and share with our employees, partner companies, shareholders, customers, as well as the communities where we operate.
The Journal
We are very happy to introduce our brand-new digital publication, The Journal. The logo accompanying the title, Concern Beyond Cars, takes prominence as the identity for IMCs social responsibility program.

For a more informative and immersive read, the publication has been designed to be more interactive, with hyper-links, including the table of contents. To get started, you can simply click the link below and you’re on your way. We hope you enjoy the read.