Code Of Conduct
- Maintaining an unimpeachable standard of integrity in all their business relationships both inside and outside the company.
- Fostering the highest standard of conduct and competence amongst those for whom they are responsible.
- ensuring transparency in business transactions, and rejecting any business practice, which might be deemed to be improper and promoting fair business practices and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
In applying these Rules, employees / directors should use the following guidelines:
Conflict of Interest
Any personal interest, which may effect or might reasonably be deemed by others to affect an employee’s impartibility, should be declared up front in writing.
The company property must not be used for personal work unless specific permission is obtained.
Each staff member is employed in the company on a full time basis and therefore, they are not to be involved, directly or indirectly, in any vocation, business or commercial activity. Any departure from this can only be made with the written permission of the Chief Executive Officer. -
Confidentiality and Accuracy of Information
The confidentiality of information received in the course of business must be respected and never used for personal gain; information given in the course of business must be honest and never designed to mislead. Further, all company affairs are to be treated as confidential and should not be discussed with third parties during service with the Company and after leaving the service.
All members are forbidden to accept gifts or borrow money from another member of the company or from a Distributor, Dealer, Vendor or a Customer. Personal gifts given or received beyond norms of business etiquette, which are likely to improperly influence business decisions, must be avoided.
Proper Recording of Funds, Assets, Receipts and Disbursements
All funds, assets, receipts and disbursements should be properly recorded in the Books of the Company. In particular, no funds or accounts should be established or maintained for purposes that are not fully and accurately reflected in the Books and records of the Company.
Health and Safety
Every staff member should take reasonable care to ensure the health and safety of himself/herself and others who may be affected by his/her acts at work. Staff members should not tamper with or misuse any item provided by the Company to secure the safety, health and welfare of its staff and for the protection of the environment.
To preserve and protect the environment, all staff members should.
Design and operate the Company’s facilities and processes so as to ensure the trust of adjoining communities;
Promote conservation of resources, waste minimization and the minimization of the release of chemicals / gas into the environment;
Strive continuously to improve environment awareness and protection. -
Work Place Harassment
The staff will maintain an environment that is free from harassment and in which all employees / directors are equally respected. This means any action that creates a hostile or offensive work environment and such actions include, but are not limited to, sexual harassment and any disparaging comments based on gender, religion and race or ethnicity.
Company Image
All staff members must avoid participating in any political activity or in such personal behavior during or after office hours, which may bring disrepute to the Company.
Legal Proceedings
It is essential that a staff member, who becomes involved in legal proceedings, whether civil or criminal, should immediately inform his superior in writing.